Our school is built on four core values:
Excellence in Teaching and Learning
We will support the highest level of academic attainment and will place a priority on critical, independent and creative thought and expression. We will provide a thorough Jewish and Hebrew education of the highest standards which will equip our pupils with the skills, knowledge and confidence to participate in Jewish Life and learning.
Inclusivity and Diversity
We will be a non-selective free school and will support the abilities and learning styles of every child. We will welcome and value families from across the spectrum of Jewish religious observance as well as families of other faiths or none.
Identity and Values
The school will create a caring community of children, parents and teachers. Through inspiring Jewish experiences including daily prayer, we will foster a love of Judaism and teach the values of good citizenship, mutual responsibility, care for the natural world and positive relationships with the wider community.
Nurturing Each Child to Achieve their Best
We will create a happy, nurturing environment in which children experience success, become independent learners, enjoy warm relationships with their teachers and with each other, and are inspired to challenge themselves in a safe space.