Monday, February 20, 2012

WOW Rosh Hodesh Adar

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Rosh Hodesh Shevat brought with it newcomers and our new Women Of the Wall Siddur, first edition. As usual we prayed together and out loud, but this time we were all on the same page. A unified group of women from our siddurs to our prayer shawls, we stayed warm on a particularly cold Jerusalem morning. Check out the pictures and video to share in our special service.
 Coming to Israel and want to join our services? Would you like to hear about WOW from our members? Looking to share our message with your community? Email us and we can help make it happen! 

Join us to celebrate Rosh Hodesh Adar at the Western Wall on Friday February 24,2012 at 7 AM!
This month we can provide you with our 1st Edition Women Of the Wall Siddur or you can bring your own siddur.

If you would like to lead a part of the service or hold our Sefer Torah, please contact us.

To sponsor next month's Oneg, please contact us.

We will meet under all weather conditions. Women Of the Wall are fearless. 

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Copyright © 2012 Women of the Wall, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Women of the Wall
POB 31936
Jerusalem, Israel 91319