Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Re: [Shefa] Best sources of Jewish e-books?


Dear Robert and Hevreh,

I've purchased happily digital library materials DVDs and downloads in the past from eBookshuk  -

The eBooks are available for purchase individually, in bundles and in a Judaic Digital Library subscription online. Prices vary on the size of included materials:

I wrote to Alex Gendler, the President, and received the following information regarding the Library subscription costs:

"We have three packages:
1.       Torah: Interactive Bookshelf - $29 per year
2.       Torah: Interactive Bookshelf  (25 year subscription) - $149
3.       Full subscription to JDL -$89 per year"

I "cut and paste" all that I need or want, including preparing hand-outs for participant activities including the newest JPS TaNaKH texts for my teaching and preparation of educational presentations.

Here is the home page for all of the eBook Shuk packages and offerings:

   Special Bundles
The War against Israel
Hispania Judaica
International Critical Commentaries (ICC): Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
Jews, Jesus, and the Origin of Christianity: a Jewish Perspective
Judaic Digital Library
Judaic Scholar Digital Reference Library II
Master a Masikhta
New! Hebrew Bible: Scholar's Digital Library 1.2
S.R. Driver - U. Cassuto Collection
Torah: Student Bookshelf

Acknowledgement: Please note that if you list DOV in the code area at the top of the page, eBookshuk will make a small contribution to my Foundation For Family Education, Inc. 501c3. I thank you in advance for helping to keep my website online and available.

Please feel free to share this with anyone who is interested in accessibility to digital Judaica reference and study materials online for download purchase or online library.

To one and all,  כתיבה וחתימה טובה


On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 3:10 PM, RobertK <> wrote:

What are the best sources of Jewish e-books?

I recently bought an Android tablet (Galaxy Tab), and have downloaded several books for use on it, including some freely available Jewish docs I found on the internet.

But outside of some books available in Kindle format on Amazon, I haven't yet found too many sources of Jewish e-books in English, or English-Hebrew. Any recommendations?

Also, are there any services from Siddur Sim Shalom available for download? (any format: EPub, Kindle, RTF, PDF, etc.)


Robert Kaiser

Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner
'1969 MHL   1970 Rabbi JTSA  1995 DD JTSA
President, Foundation For Family Education, Inc.

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