Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fwd: [Shefa] Marketing Consevative Judaism


Please forgive me if this comes through as a repost.  I'm not sure it went out the first time around.
You pose very timely questions.  The days of being tied to a singular computer for many of us are long gone. There is no "one size fits all" for communicating and using social media, but most techniques are free, instant and easy to to use on both ends.  I don't think the issues are push vs. pull, or web based vs. smartphone/tablet, rather organizations meeting the members where they are at and using communication methods that will be more engaging are more critical. The same holds true for making payments as easy as possible. It's absurd that I need to physically fill out a paper form and either snail mail it or drive it to my synagogue to make a payment for my lulav and etrog, when I should be able to do this online with the click of a few buttons.
Like you, I have a Twitter acct but don't tweet; however I'm a huge FB user. Now Google is in on it with google plus. I'm not sure now that will manifest itself, since it's so new, but it's worth a shot. Once you have basic text, you can just plug it in. 
Yesterday I responded to Eisen's blog post on tefillah . You can read it under "sdima", but the gist is that we need to educate, not entertain. To that end, there is no better way than using the power of social media. Chabad and Aish got wind of that long ago and continue to be on the cutting edge. They understand the value of sound bites as well as deeper learning. It's not an either/or.
So when you ask if the paradigm is shifting, the answer is a resounding YES. Technology is constantly evolving and we need to be on board and ready to shift with it. 
Diana Lerner
Diana Lerner
Please note new email:  effective immediately

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Michael M. Wiseman <> wrote:

Karla's email got me thinking: is the paradigm shifting? Are we moving from web-based digital marketing to smartphone-based instant-marketing? If so, then should CJ develop a social media strategy? Should we stop trying to just pull people to CJ and now try to nudge them in a gentle way using more PUSH technology?

I find myself reading my email on my laptop less and less and looking at my phone as my communications resource more often. I have changed my mail to IMAP so that it is concurrent in both places. I don't tweet (but I have an account.) I follow my kids and friends on Facebook. I IM them regularly.

My 2 cents for what that's worth in this economy...

(Waiting for next week to get a much-needed haircut!)

On 7/28/2011 10:54 AM, K Worrell wrote:

I saw this from my local paper's small business email and thought it also had a lot to say relevant to marketing CJ today. One thing that struck me as relevant is that they didn't have to change the core message, but rather the perceptions and accessibility, to draw in new supporters.

Why marketing a famous master is like building your customer base

July 27, 2011 Jacob Geiger
picasso QR

For Bob Tarren, marketing Pablo Picasso meant big money and big pressure.

Tarren, marketing director at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, was charged with creating a $750,000 campaign that would draw a national audience while maximizing local attendance.

Your business may never launch a campaign as big as the VMFA's, but there are plenty of lessons to learn from the museum's campaign, lessons Tarren shared in a July 26 breakfast meeting at the Creative Change Center.

"The evangelists were already on board," Tarren said about the museum's members and longtime supporters. So he focused his efforts on a "younger, tech-savvy crowd" that maybe hadn't ever given the museum a detailed look. He called this crowd the "persuadables."

Because the VFMA carried a slightly stuffy reputation, Tarren said there was a special emphasis on making the exhibit open and friendly. Guards took a more relaxed approach, letting people get as close as they wanted to the art (but not letting them touch it, obviously). The vibe he wanted, Tarren said, was one where people felt comfortable "coming and hanging out. You can't do that when things are really formal."

But the marketing strategy also had to avoid alienating the VMFA "family" of longtime supporters. So Tarren started with traditional ad components, like billboards, street-light hangers and posters.

Then he got creative, striking a partnership with Starbucks that led to posters on the door of each of the coffee giant's stores in Richmond and Williamsburg. These weren't ordinary posters, though. The image of Picasso's face was made entirely of QR codes.

These codes can be scanned by smart phones and send the user to a website – in this case the VMFA's Facebook page about the exhibit. Building an image entirely from QR codes sent a subtle message to "people in the know," Tarren said, primarily the young, tech-savvy "persuadables" he wanted to reach.

Tarren's campaign led to more than 1.2 billion impressions (yes, that's billion with a "b"). And though plenty came through traditional avenues, he said more than 675 million were driven by activity on Facebook and Twitter. The VMFA seeded the social media landscape, then let social networks help carry the torch.

So what's the takeaway for a small business looking to spend $7,500, rather than $750,000? Make sure you keep your loyal evangelists happy, but focus your marketing on those "persuadables," the folks who aren't visiting you now but are open to the right pitch. Find out as much as you can about that group and tailor your advertising to whichever medium they use most. Remember that social media, used correctly, can deliver huge buzz at a low cost.

And if you can display a few pieces by one of the world's most famous artists, that probably wouldn't hurt.

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