Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rosh Hodesh Tamuz

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"Praying and chanting with Women of the Wall continues to teach me about the ways that women can come together to advance not only our standing but also our understanding of Judaism."
- Liz Piper-Goldberg


Join us to celebrate Rosh Hodesh Tamuz at the Kotel on Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 7 AM!
Please bring your own siddur.

If you would like to lead a part of the service or hold our Sefer Torah, please contact us.

To sponsor this month's oneg, please contact us.

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It was only a week ago that a family in despair – along with the entire nation – marked the fifth anniversary of Gilad Shalit's kidnapping. It has been five years, more than 1, 800 days that a child of ours is sitting in a small dark room, never seeing his family, not knowing if and when he'll be free. Five years that his family members can't hug him, give him a good night kiss, or call to ask how's he doing and if everything is fine. Since Gilad's kidnapping, the Women of the Wall are saying a special prayer each month for the safety of Gilad and all the captive and MIA soldiers. This coming Rosh Chodesh, five years after the kidnapping, the Tamuz service will be dedicated to Gilad's safety and fast return. Aviva Shalit, Gilad's mother, was invited to the service, when we will put a note into the Kotel that was signed by our worldwide supporters asking for Gilad's quick release. During these days, when Gilad's fate is unknown, we will keep him in our minds and pray for his safety.

Copyright © 2011 Women of the Wall, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Women of the Wall
POB 31936
Jerusalem, Israel 91319